Seite 41 - Schumpeter School Alumni e.V. Jahresmagazin 2010

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One of the most frequently debated issues in management relates to the reasons
for success and failure of new companies, corporate initiatives and projects. This
textbook focuses on the management challenges of founding a new venture and
source management. In this context the authors comment on entrepreneurial ethics,
social entrepreneurship and corporate culture as well. More hands-on management
topics like writing a business plan and choosing a legal form for a venture are also
covered. A key chapter of the book is dedicated to leadership challenges in mana-
The book is written from a Continental European perspective to cater for its Euro-
pean target audience in entrepreneurship courses to be held in English.
Volkmann, C./Tokarski, K. O./Grünhagen, M. (2010): Entrepreneurship in a Euro-
pean Perspective. Concepts for the Creation and Growth of New Ventures, Wies-
baden: Gabler 2010 (UNESCO publication)
Michael J. Fallgatter, Marc Gruenhagen, Lambert T. Koch (2010), „On the cog-
nitive basis of initiating intra- and interorganisational cooperation“, International
Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations - Vol. 7, No.1, 80 - 98.
Heiko Breitsohl, Sascha Ruhle und Michael J. Fallgatter (2010), „Selbstbindung
potenzieller Wissenschaftler – Ausprägung und Wirkung des Organizational Com-
mitments studentischer Hilfskräfte“, Sonderheft Hochschulmanagement (accep-
Temme, D., Kreis, H. & Hildebrandt, L. (2010), “A Comparison of Current PLS
Path Modeling Software: Features, Ease-of-Use, and Performance”, in: Esposito
Vinzi, V., Chin, W.W., Henseler, J., Wang, H. (Hrsg.), Handbook of Partial Least
Squares – Concepts, Methods and Applications, Berlin: Springer, S. 737-756.
Klapper, D., Temme, D. & Boztug, Y. (2010), Editorial: “Special Issue in Honor of
Lutz Hildebrandt”, Marketing – Journal of Research and Management, 6(1), S. 3-4.
Betzin, J. & Temme, D. (2010), Editorial: “Advances in Structural Equation Mo-
deling – The 2009 Meeting of the Working Group SEM”, in: AStA Advances in
Statistical Analysis, 94(2), S. 113-116.
Schumpeter School of Business and Economics/Wissenschaft - aus aktuellem Anlass