Seite 22 - wtalumni_mag_2008_final

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Publikationen aus dem Fachbereich
Internalisation of
European ICT
Activities –
Huub Meijers, Bern-
hard Dachs, Paul J. J.
Welfens (Eds.)
The internationalisation
of information and com-
munication technologies
has accelerated since
the 1990s in Europe and
worldwide. Taking a
close look at the empiri-
cal analysis of competitive trade positions, trends in
foreign direct investment and the internationalisation
of research and development in ICT brings many new
insights about the expansion, innovation and adjust-
ment in the EU’s most dynamic sector. Moreover, the
analysis discusses case studies on key players in ICT
and suggests major policy conclusions for a field con-
sidered fundamental in the context of the EU’s Lis-
bon Agenda. The theoretical and empirical analysis
gives a new and differentiated picture of European
ICT where the links between telecommunications dy-
namics, software innovation and digital services are
crucial. Outsourcing, insourcing and offshoring are
natural elements of a new digital international divi-
sion of labour which require reforms in both the EU
member countries and at the supranational level.
Digital Excellence –
Paul J. J. Welfens,
Ellen Walther-Klaus,
Digital economic mo-
dernization is a crucial
element of progress
in both OECD coun-
tries and newly in-
dustrialized countries.
The contributions to
this book explore the
technological and economic dynamics of information
and communication technology (ICT) and focus on
several innovative software applications which aim at
solving standard and new problems more efficiently.
They particularly emphasize the point that innovation
within an economic context does not solely concern
companies and their customers; integrating research
institutions and universities enhances the scope of
creativity to not only produce concrete innovative
ideas and projects, but also to develop procedures
and techniques for putting them into practice. This
book provides companies with both insights into new
approaches and immediate access to innovative con-
1 2
Paul J. J. Welfens
Ellen Walther-Klaus
Digital Excellence
University Meets Economy
Design GmbH Heidelberg – Bender 10.3.08
Dieser pdf-file gibt nur annähernd das endgültige Druckergebnis wieder !
Digital Excellence
Digital economic modernization is a crucial element of progress
in both OECD countries and newly industrialized countries. The
contributions to this book explore the technological and economic
dynamics of information and communication technology (ICT)
and focus on sever l innovative software applications which aim
at solving standard and new problems more efficiently. They par-
ticularly emphasize the point that innovation within an economic
context does not solely concern companies and their customers;
integrating r search institutions and universities enhances the
scope of creativity to not only produce concrete innovative ideas
and projects, but also to develop procedures and techniques for
putting them into practice. This book provides companies with
both insights into new approaches and immediate access to inno-
vative concepts.
ISBN 978-3-540-72620-3
Paul J. J. Welfens
Ellen Walther-Klaus
Welfens · Walther-Klaus (Eds.)
Junge Unternehmen – Michael J. Fallgatter
Stark unterschiedliche Entwicklungsverläufe machen die Beschäftigung mit jun-
gen Unternehmen überaus spannend. Bedingt durch diffuse Konkurrenz- und
Abnehmerstrukturen, ablehnende Kapitalgeber oder spontane Innovationen
kommt es immer wieder zu rasanten Erfolgen oder aber zu raschem Scheitern.
Ganz offensichtlich reicht das betriebswirtschaftliche Planungs- und Kontroll-
instrumentarium nicht aus, um diese Entwicklungsverläufe zu erfassen. Dem-
entsprechend soll dieses Buch Ansatzpunkte aufzeigen, wie die Charakteristika,
Potenziale und Dynamik junger Unternehmen analysiert werden können. Dazu
werden Typen junger Unternehmen differenziert und deren jeweils unterschied-
liche Entwicklung systematisch beschrieben und erklärt. Ausgehend von unter-
schiedlichen Theorien und einer Fülle empirischer Studien werden inspirierende
Anregungen für eine Auseinandersetzung mit jungen Unternehmen gegeben.
Besonderer Wert wird dabei auf die theoretische Fundierung sowie die Einbin-
dung von Fallstudien gelegt.